Weekly Digest # 3 Public Roadmap
Recently there has been a lot of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) to bog down Kebab Finance. The turbulence intensified during the time our engineers were adding $SXP/ $BUSD pairs and because we forgot to announce it beforehand it created a huge FUD and we are deeply sorry about that action and we will be extra cautious on our part on that matter. There is no doubt that what we have accomplished within two weeks was eyed by malicious groups who sought to demean our early success in the world of Decentralized Finance (DeFi).
Notwithstanding FUD, we remain determined to advance our mission to build the ultimate product with dedication, reiteration, and hard work.
We have been expanding our team in the last 3 weeks and things were a little slow on our part however it will phase up in the following weeks.
Having been accepted into the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Most Valuable Builder Accelerator (MVB) Program, under the $100M DeFi Accelerator Fund, we are now able to expedite the development of Kebab Finance. Additionally, we will implement a new BNB POOL in couple of days and since we are getting some BNB daily with the transaction fees from the contract, We generated 12 BNB per day at the current rate so it’s something like 360 BNB monthly and Kebab Finance will have 30 percent of it which is around 108 BNB. We will distribute a significant amount of this Binance Smart Chain BUIDL rewards to this new BNB POOL monthly. We will start with 50 BNB this month to test for 35 days period and the amount will grow as Kebab Userbase grows due to fees generated by our users.
You can check the BUIDL program by clicking here
We are currently in rank 16 you can check leaderboard from here
We are announcing a public roadmap to avoid confusion for fellow Kebabians, some of the elements in this list are short term and some of them are just our brainstorming and not finalized plan.
Dashboard (Short Term)
In our previous articles, we addressed integrating a Dashboard to allow our users the flexibility to track their investment profit, liquidity pools, and the number of fees generated on their part — an improved UI to monitor your investment quickly and easily. This feature will be a significant upgrade to pull live data to help you track your investment. You can expect this feature to come pretty soon.
Burn Mechanism( High Priority)
We are designing a new burn mechanism, However as we mentioned before it will take time. In the meantime we want to focus on IFO’S as a primary burning mechanism, we believe this will create significant burn when the correct projects are found and it will provide a good value to project until the main burn is released, also we have been considering the lotto and bingo options and we decided that the value provided by that kind of burn is quite insignificant. But we need to be completely transparent to our users about the burn mechanism its still on designing phase and it will take weeks to come.
IPFS Domains(Short Term)
We are going to be fully decentralized very soon, we plan to move our domains to IPFS structure swap, info, and the main page and it will be a good leap forward in terms of decentralization.
Charts And Trading History For Kebab Swap (Medium Term)
Our goal is to build a detailed chart similar to dextools.io for Ethereum with features to present full trading history and a chart to display information to help you make informed decisions during swaps. In other words, live data to highlight key indicators.
Right now we are using Twitter to decide most of our actions but we will convert our decisions to our governance tool. Right now it uses Kebab Balance but most of the tokens are staked in so it’s not working we are open to proposals on how to calculate voting stake in this system.
Self-listing feature (Short term)
We plan to integrate an automated listing feature in farming pairs and pools within The Binance Smart Chain Ecosystem (BSC). The new feature will include a predetermined multiplier and a Burning Mechanism.
Strategic Investments in Real Projects
Our “The Strategically superior Yield farm community” slogan was not a coincidence. We continue to work hard for the greater good of our community. Just like what we did when we invested in Bitcoin Mining Power (BTCST), most of what we are mining will be put back in the BTCB pool.
The current BTCB pool giving 11 satoshis to users and we are currently generating 30–35 satoshi per block and the BTCB pool will be renewed with this amount when the current one depletes.
Yield Farm Generator (Brainstorming)
Yield Farming is one of the most sought after features on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). We consider implementing a system to enable the users to create their yield farms under Kebab Finance protocol and with the addition of a Burning Mechanism. However, keep in mind that this feature is something really experimental and it might never see light, we do not intend to prioritize this idea since it is separate from the Roadmap. We just want to openly communicate what we think as a team to build Kebab Finance. Please tell us your ideas about this one please we would love to hear this you can express your ideas with this form.
Whatever bogs down our progress will continue to put us on the path to success. From where they stand, our path might seem easier but the real question is: Can they see how far we have come?
Feel free to comment and give your opinion. Don’t hesitate to ask us for the next Medium’s post subject.
If there’s anything you’d like to see or if you have questions, message us at any time.
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